
Hailing from the vibrant music scene of Denver, Colorado, Buried Beneath Me emerged as a powerful force in the industry, fueled by the seasoned talent of Bryce Evans whose musical journey spans over two decades. Formed in the early spring of 2022, the band wasted no time in igniting their musical ambitions, exploding onto the scene with electrifying energy in June of the same year.

With a sound that defies convention and captivates audiences, Buried Beneath Me swiftly caught the attention of music enthusiasts far and wide. Their debut EP, "Moonlight," unveiled on April 4th, 2024, stands as a testament to their artistry, earning accolades from both critics and dedicated fans alike.

The release of "Moonlight" marked a pivotal moment for the band, propelling them onto the stages of prestigious festivals, including a standout performance at the Mesa Music Festival in April of 2024, as part of their exhilarating Moonlight Tour.

As the echoes of their EP continue to reverberate, Buried Beneath Me is already gearing up for their next musical odyssey. Set to embark on a new creative journey, the band is poised to enter the studio this summer, channeling their passion and innovation into crafting their highly anticipated next record.

With their unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries and creating unforgettable musical experiences, Buried Beneath Me stands as a testament to the enduring power of artistic expression, ready to carve their path to greatness with every chord and beat.